I guess the secret is out my friends...My FASHION blogging began due to my love for all things Chic and Eclectic. Just a place to channel in all the inspirations I get from day to day. For a while now, I have kept it a secret from all my closest friends. I guess it was something I wanted to keep for myself, to post random fashion images, vanity of all kinds and things that I'm specifically interested in. Fashion blogs are like the NEW Fashion Magazines to me. I love getting inspiration from all over and not just by clothes alone, but with style living. It's nice to share my own take on fashioning the world. My style changes so often and I don't like to stick with one look. I like experimenting and having fun and trying out all sort's of looks even though some people might think it won't work out for me. I just hold my chin up high and walk it out with confidence. Anyway this blog is a secret NO MORE...I've been featured on FORA.MTV.CA Thank you @MTV_FORA.